SERENDIPITY {def.} the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident

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Natural Light and Location Photographer, Wellsville, Utah in the Cache Valley
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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Time to move on

There comes a time when everything comes to a "head" and we must either sit on the fence or move on. It may be scary. It may be utterly terrifying, but it is so much better than sitting on the fence. Besides, if you have ever sat on a real fence it kinda hurts your hiney. I am tired of the hurt "hiney", so I made a cake. Not just any cake, my Birthday/moving on cake. Decadent chocolate cake with vanilla make you want to slap your momma buttercream... This cake represents a new beginning, and hey it is divine! After thinking about how I have been stuck on this fence because of the actions of others, I made a decision to hop off my fence. We ate this cake minus the person who said she would be there for it. We sang Happy Birthday, and we lived...I lived... Cake glorious cake. I can only change me. I can pray for those who put me on the fence. I can enjoy my husband's smile. My kiddos smiles and giggles as they eat their cake instead of what I had originally planned for dinner. Next time I feel stuck I will remember Cake.

1 comment:

  1. Good girl. Chocolate makes everything better. Sorry we didn't talk Wednesday. Life got crazy in a hurry and no one napped. Then yesterday I had to help out a friend in need for most of the day. I'll try to chat during nap time today- let's pray it happens. Love you.
